In SketchUp 2016, we scaled the User Interface (toolbars, cursors, etc). The SketchUp 2017 modeling window is now “DPI aware”. If you see this error dialog, try upgrading your graphics card driver - upgrading your driver is a good first troubleshooting step and often solves the error. If your machine does not meet these requirements, you will see an error dialog when launching SketchUp, LayOut, Style Builder, and Viewer that lets you know which requirement you did not meet and which will prevent you from running SketchUp until you fix the error. These tests include checks like compilation of SketchUp's GLSL shaders and support for OpenGL framebuffer objects. A graphics card that passes a series of tests that are run by SketchUp 2017 to assure that your card is capable of rendering SketchUp models.We will no longer support software rendering! A graphics card that supports Hardware Acceleration.A graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.0 or above.This new graphics pipeline has stricter hardware and software requirements than in previous versions of SketchUp. This was a massive change that will allow us to innovate far beyond what we have been able to do in the past. With SketchUp 2017, we have completely reworked our graphics pipeline - i.e., the way we display SketchUp models.